The blog focuses on unearthing all-natural and non-toxic care from small companies. This includes wholesome shampoos, safe yet effective sunscreens, completely natural hair styling pomades and more! On the opposite spectrum, I also write about harsh chemicals and unappetizing additives to avoid — whether that’s in our shower or the pantry.

Why Have Chemical Sunscreens Failed to Reduce Skin Cancer Rates?
Over the past half a century, we have witnessed a perplexing trend. Skin cancer rates have steadily risen since the 1970s. All the while, the usage and adoption of sunscreens has risen alongside it. We explore these rising skin cancer rates and why sunscreens have not been able to prevent the rise. We also explore a better relationship with the all important sun and alternatives to toxic chemical sunscreens.

7 Unhealthy Ingredients in Our Processed Cereal + The Worst Cereals to Avoid
Our daily breakfast habits matter. From potentially toxic preservatives to processing agents to petroleum based artificial colors; there is a lot that makes our breakfast cereal unhealthy. The consequences are quite real as well - from inflammation, behavioral problems in children, obesity and diabetes to name a few.
Here we cover the 7 harmful ingredients in cereal and the worst cereal brands you need to avoid.

16 Harmful Shampoo Ingredients Bad for Our Hair + The Worst Brands to Avoid
What you apply on your hair and body on a daily basis matters. Hair loss, scalp irritation, allergic reactions, hormonal disruptions and even cancer are all tied with harsh chemicals found in our shampoos.
Detoxing thus begins with a holistic review of all the hair and skin care products we are exposing ourselves to everyday. Here we dive into the 16 harsh chemicals hidden in your shampoo & conditioner and cover the worst shampoo brands you need to avoid.