Ajay Chohan Ajay Chohan

Neutrogena Sunscreens May Protect, But at What Cost?

Neutrogena sunscreens pose health risks to humans and are harmful to our coral reefs. The side effects include both immediate ones like allergic skin reactions including itching and hives, and ones that are not immediately obvious. The long term consequences that can manifest after years or decades - like hormonal & endocrine disruptions and lower testosterone levels - are of the highest concern.

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Ajay Chohan Ajay Chohan

Time to Bury Our Toxic Coppertone Sunscreens

The Coppertone sunscreen boldly states “Stays on Strong When You Sweat” on its bottles. Well, turns out, not only does it ‘stay on strong,’ but it also gets absorbed by our skin and then pushes its way into our bloodstreams. This wouldn’t be an issue if Coppertone was made with natural and nourishing ingredients. But given all the toxic, synthetic and petroleum basic substances in the Coppertone sunscreen - it becomes quite concerning.

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Ajay Chohan Ajay Chohan

The Trouble with the Banana Boat Sunscreen

The ingredients in the Banana Boat sunscreen are harmful from top to bottom. The sunscreen has the prominent “CLINICALLY PROVEN” text on its bottles - it might be helpful if Banana Boat also told us that their sunscreens are clinically proven to cause allergies, skin irritation and disrupt our hormones…and that they are clinically proven to be harming our coral reefs…and that they are clinically proven to not be nourishing for our skin in any way.

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